The Decahedron Deck

Johnny Libenzon
3 min readJan 11, 2022

Ten photos, ten potential futures. Feel free to vote on your favorites out of these potential stories via this form, and in time I will write the three with the most votes.

For those of you that have been following what I’m up to — yep, I’ve paused on my book for now (I hit the halfway mark, IE at roughly 50k/100k words) so I’m going to be writing a story now, plus put some ideas in the backlog so I can get to them later!

1 | For the Good of the Pack

The god that once wore that mask didn’t need it anymore, she reasoned at first.

Then she realized that the god had never left.

2 | Women of the Whirlwind

For years, she bided her time and waited, yearning for her own wings.

Now the ceremony was at hand, and she was eager to join her sisters in the sky.

3 | An Afterlife Worth Living

“Oh, that’s Mr. Balakin, alright. Still hauntin’ about the place. He really should be off to meet his maker by now, yeah, but no one’s got it in them to tell him. It’ll break the old man’s heart.”

4 | Beyond Willow and Pine

“At first I was scared — we all were. I looked at it and thought it might gobble us all up. Then just looked at me with those black eyes, and when it craned its head up towards the sky… I couldn’t help it. None of us could.”

5 | First Duel

All disputes between the Anuk-Skurjii were settled this way.

Yet once he learned who his opponent was, he was afraid his first duel may well be his last.

6 | Bones of a Titan

For over a century, his tribe had searched through that metal colossus, pillaging its guts for artifacts and riches untold.

But the spacecraft’s most important gift was hidden deep within its core.

7 | Safe Travels

“We didn’t know what this place was, at first. One moment the caravan was passing through the fields of the Gerlii Talba, and then, without quite knowing how… we had found Her.”

8 | Gifts From Below

It crouched on the balcony, exhibiting strange clicking noises and a tittering sound that crawled out of its insectoid throat.

“I could make them stop fighting,” It said. And he believed It.

9 | Mythmaker

The battle was at hand, and the General found that he was losing his nerve.

If he didn’t find it soon, all those counting on him would be in desperate peril.

10 | Sickness of the Soul

“Jesus Christ, that’s an aggressive form of COVID! Billy, get the lemon juice. We’re doin’ this old school.”



Johnny Libenzon

Toronto-based aspiring author writing a mix of sci-fi and 'rural fantasy' short stories